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  • 4 days. Siem Reap & The best of Angkor

    Tour-ID: CAS4

    Cambodia’s rich religious history means that it is home to some of the most beautiful temples in Southeast Asia. Built as early as the first millennium, a vast number still exist, waiting to be explored. While some have been left untouched and are now engulfed in jungle, others are lovingly preserved as magnificent spectacles of Cambodia’s past.


    Siem Reap


    Easy travel, Daily departure, Regular group, Small Group, Private tour


    discovery, wonder, culture, history, boat

  • 3 days. Surf through Cambodia

    Tour-ID: CAM3

    Visit the antique capital of Angkor Thom (12 century) : the South Gate with its huge statues depicting the churning of the ocean of milk, the Bayon Temple, unique for its 54 towers decorated with over 200 smiling faces of Avolokitesvara, the Phimeanakas, the Royal Enclosure, the Elephants Terrace and the Terrace of the Leper King…

  • 3 days. Siem Reap: The best of Angkor

    Tour-ID: CAS3

    See the best of Angkor in Siem Reap for 3 days. Once you visit Cambodia, Angkor Thom, Angkor Wat, Ta Prohm and a boat trip on Tonle Sap Lake is a must. And this tour will take you there to discover the best of Angkor of Cambodia.

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